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ETS Global Higher Education Advisory Councils

ETS Global Higher Education (GHE) collaborates with a number of advisory councils that provide advice, insight and market intelligence to the leadership team at ETS.


Graduate Education Advisory Council

The Graduate Education Advisory Council consists of 18 appointed members, including four Association of Graduate Schools (AGS) appointees, four Council of Graduate School (CGS) appointees and eight at-large appointees. Additional members are added on a periodic basis for specific expertise. In addition, the CGS president and chair of the GHE Research & Technical Advisory Committee are ex officio members of the council. The term of office is three years, and the council meets three times a year.

The primary role of the Graduate Education Advisory Council is to advise and to provide ETS Global Higher Education leadership with critical insight into the global higher education market. The council is comprised of appointees who are in alignment with the Global Higher Education focus on the entire graduate student lifecycle and the new ways that ETS Global Higher Education is engaging in the higher, graduate and professional education markets.

The Graduate Education Advisory Council is comprised of forward-looking and innovative thought leaders, practitioners and entrepreneurs who will help us to map out the future of ETS Global Higher Education and the GRE Program. We are committed to ensuring that the council amplifies the tradition of ETS's focus on diversity, equity and inclusion.

View the members of the Graduate Education Advisory Council for ETS Global Higher Education.

Derek Attig

Graduate Career Consortium and University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Derek Attig

Suzanne Barbour

Duke University

Suzanne Barbour

Wojtek Chodzko-Zajko (Past-Chair)

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Wojitek Chodzko-Zaiko

Michael Cunningham

Tulane University

Michael Cunningham

Andrés Gil

Florida International University

Andrés Gil

Brian French (ex officio)

Washington State University

Brian French

Ranjit Koodali

Western Kentucky University

Ranjit Koodali

Barbara Krauthamer

Emory University

Barbara Krauthamer

Julie Masterson

Missouri State University

Julie Masterson

Emily Miller (ex officio)

Association of American Universities

Emily Miller

Philip Mote

Oregon State University

Philip Mote

Jeremiah Nelson

NAGAP, The Association for Graduate Enrollment Management, and Catawba College

Jeremiah Nelson

Chevelle Newsome (Chair)

California State University, Sacramento

Chevelle Newsome

Suzanne Ortega (ex officio)

Council of Graduate Schools

Suzanne Ortega

James Wimbush

Indiana University

James Wimbush

L. Maren Wood

The Center of Graduate Career Success

L Maren Wood

Business School Advisory Council

ETS Global Higher Education also obtains input from two Business School Advisory Councils (BSACs): the Global BSAC and the BSAC of India, which are composed of senior administrators and admissions leaders from business schools around the world. The BSACs provide insight, perspective and information related to domestic and international graduate business school programs. Each BSAC member serves one 3-year term.


Global BSAC

The Global BSAC consists of admissions leaders from business schools in Asia, Europe and North America, who provide guidance and insights to ETS, and serve as the voice of Graduate Management Education programs across the globe.


BSAC of India

The BSAC of India consists of senior leaders from Graduate Management Education programs in India who help steer the direction of ETS’s strategic activities concerning graduate business schools in India.

Global Business School Advisory Council members

View the members of the Global Business School Advisory Council for ETS Global Higher Education.

Benoit Banchereau (Past Chair)

Sciences Po, France

Benoit Banchereau

Amanda Barth

William & Mary, United States

Amanda Barth

Jennifer Carter

The University of Iowa, United States

Jennifer Carter

Robert Chabot

The Ohio State University, United States

Robert Chabot

Gilbert Chua

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Gilbert Chua

Virginie Fougea

INSEAD, France

Virginie Fougea

Eric M. Gladney

North Carolina A&T State University, United States

Eric M. Gladney

Rebecca Mallen-Churchill

Arizona State University, United States

Rebecca Mallen-Churchill

Toby McChesney

Santa Clara University, United States

Toby McChesney

Lawrence Mur’ray (Chair)

Dartmouth College, United States

Lawrence Mur’ray

Sue Oldham (Past Chair)

Vanderbilt University, United States

Sue Oldham

Audhesh Paswan

University of North Texas, United States

Audhesh Paswan

Teresa Pires

Queens University, Canada

Teresa Pires

Dylan Stafford

University of California, Los Angeles, United States

Dylan Stafford

Sachin Tipnis

The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

Sachin Tipnis

Courtney Watts

California State University, Fullerton, United States

Courtney Watts

Michelle Zhu

China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), China & Europe

Michelle Zhu

Helen Zucchini

University of Colorado Boulder, United States

Helen Zucchini

Business School Advisory Council of India members

View the members of the Business School Advisory Council of India for ETS Global Higher Education.

Prabhu Aggarwal

Bennett University

Prabhu Aggarwal

P.C. Biswal

MDI Gurgaon

Image of P.C. Biswal

Aman Mittal

Lovely Professional University

Image of Aman Mittal

Amit Mittal

Chitkara University

Image of Amit Mittal

Kishore Gopalakrishna Pillai

Rajagiri Business School

Kishore Gopalakrishna Pillai

Raul V. Rodriguez

Woxsen University

Raul V. Rodriguez

Elizabeth L. Rose

Indian Institute of Management, Udaipur

Elizabeth L. Rose

Rajendra Srivastava (Chair)

Indian School of Business

Rajendra Srivastava

Rambhadran Thirumalai

Indian School of Business

Image of Rambhadran Thirumalai

Graduate Education Awards

The Council of Graduate Schools (CGS) and ETS jointly sponsor an annual award that recognizes promising efforts in innovations in graduate education, especially those intended to improve the success of a diverse and inclusive student population.