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The GRE® Subject Tests

Stand out from other applicants


Accommodations for Test Takers with Disabilities or Health-related Needs

ETS is committed to serving test takers with disabilities and health-related needs by providing services and reasonable accommodations that are appropriate given the purpose of the test. Testing accommodations are available for test takers who meet ETS requirements.

Learn more about the accommodations request process and the resources available to you.

Test takers can take a GRE Subject Test with JAWS®, with or without a refreshable braille device. These features are offered at GRE test centers in the United States and other countries. To take a GRE Subject Test with these features, complete the forms and follow the registration procedures explained on this page.

Learn more about using JAWS when you take the GRE Subject Test.


If you’d like to request accommodations other than those listed below, describe them in Part II of the Testing Accommodations Request Form in the Bulletin Supplement for Test Takers with Disabilities or Health-related Needs (PDF).


Extended testing time

All tests are timed.

  • 25% (time and one-quarter)
  • 50% (time and one-half)
  • 100% (double time)

Extra breaks

Note: Breaks are not included in testing time (can be used for medication, snacks, trips to the restroom, etc.).


Accommodations for computer-delivered tests

  • Ergonomic keyboard
  • IntelliKeys® keyboard
  • JAWS screen reader with or without a refreshable braille device
  • Keyboard with touchpad
  • Screen magnification
  • Selectable background and foreground colors
  • Trackball mouse


  • Human Reader
  • Human Scribe

Assistance for spoken directions only

  • Oral interpreter1
  • Sign language interpreter1

Assistance for note taking

  • Braille slate and stylus2
  • Perkins brailler2

Alternate test formats

  • Braille2
  • Large-print test book
  • Large-print answer sheet
  • Recorded audio
  • Recorded audio with tactile figure supplement2
  • Recorded audio with large-print figure supplement2

1 Only applicants who are deaf or hard-of-hearing

2 Only applicants who are blind or have low vision

Before you begin, review the following documents. You’ll need them to successfully request accommodations and register.

If you have a health-related need that requires you to bring equipment, beverages or snacks into the testing room, or to take extra or extended breaks, you must follow the accommodations request procedures in the Bulletin Supplement.


When should I submit my request?

You must submit your request and have your accommodations approved by ETS Disability Services before you can schedule your test. 

Submit your request as early as possible, especially if you’re requesting an alternate test format. Documentation review may take approximately 4–6 weeks once your request and complete paperwork have been received. If additional documentation is requested, it may be another 2–4 weeks from the time the new documentation is received until the review is complete.


How to submit your request


The easiest, most convenient way to apply for accommodations and view approved accommodations is online in your ETS account. Simply log in to your ETS account, click on "GRE Accommodation Status/New Request" under the "Test Takers with Disabilities or Health-Related Needs" section on the main home page and follow the instructions. Be sure to submit all of the completed forms and documentation.


By email, mail or courier service

You can also email your request or send it by mail or courier service.

Mail: ETS Disability Services; P.O. Box 6054; Princeton, NJ 08541-6054 USA
Courier Service: GRE Disability Services; 1425 Lower Ferry Road; Ewing, NJ 08618-1414

Once you’ve been approved, ETS will send you an email providing instructions for registering for the GRE test. Please wait for your approval email before registering to test.

We offer a free practice test for each of the GRE Subject Tests so you can feel more confident on test day. If you have a disability or health-related need and require test preparation material in an alternate format, contact ETS Disability Services using one the methods below.

Contact ETS Disability Services

If after reviewing the above information, you have questions, please contact ETS Disability Services:

Hours: Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. U.S. Eastern Time
Email: For inquiries:
For sending forms and documents:
Phone: 1-609-771-7780
Toll-free Phone: 1-866-387-8602
for test takers in the United States, U.S. Territories (includes American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands) and Canada
Mail: ETS Disability Services; P.O. Box 6054; Princeton, NJ 08541-6054 USA
Courier Service: GRE Disability Services; 1425 Lower Ferry Road; Ewing, NJ 08618-1414


You can also find documentation guidelines and other important information on the ETS Disabilities and Health-related Needs website.