You should make arrangements for administering the ETS Proficiency Profile to students with disabilities or health-related needs in the same way that you would make arrangements for administering other important local tests.
ETS® Proficiency Profile
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You should make arrangements for administering the ETS Proficiency Profile to students with disabilities or health-related needs in the same way that you would make arrangements for administering other important local tests.
The most common request is for extra time and that can be accomplished at the discretion of the institution. Time extensions are available for 1 1/2 and 2 times the normal test time. Instructions on how to set up a student with extended time are included in the ETS® Proficiency Profile Administration Manual in Program Workshop.
For students who have difficulty filling in the bubbles on answer sheets, we suggest that students circle their answers in the test book. After the testing session, the test administrator would need to transfer the answers to an answer sheet for processing by ETS. The student's test book should be attached to the answer sheet. At the discretion of the institution, a reader or scribe may also be assigned to work with the student.
The ETS Proficiency Profile is available in braille, large print and audio formats for students with low vision. If a reader is required, you must contact ETS to request a reader script for the test.
Requests for alternate formats must be made in advance to allow ETS time to process the request and create the necessary materials. Suggested timeframes are as follows:
For additional information on testing accommodations for students with disability or health-related needs, contact an ETS Advisor.