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ETS® Proficiency Profile

Improve the quality of instruction and learning

Select a topic to see how the ETS® Proficiency Profile can provide the valid, reliable data you need.

ETS Proficiency Profile Scores and Reports

Unlike other general education outcomes assessments that provide a single test score, the ETS Proficiency Profile provides an unparalleled amount and variety of data that allows greater flexibility in how the data can be used and interpreted. ETS Proficiency Profile scores are used by almost 400 institutions nationwide to:

  • gauge student learning outcomes of traditional, blended learning and distance learning students
  • meet requirements for accreditation and program funding by measuring and documenting program effectiveness
  • identify strengths, weaknesses and opportunities to improve curriculum through the assessment of student proficiency in core academic skill areas
  • compare their own performance against the performance of their peers

There are several different types of reports available that provide customizable data to help you further evaluate and improve your program.

Learn more about ETS Proficiency Profile scoring and reporting.

How the Test is Scored

Find information about various types of scores, what scores mean, and appropriate score use and interpretation.


Learn about the different types of reports available to you, including comparative data, and see sample reports for each test.

Receiving Scores

Find out how and when you’ll receive score reports.


Almost 400 institutions nationwide rely on the ETS Proficiency Profile to provide the valid, reliable data they need. See how the ETS Proficiency Profile can help your institution.

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